Performance assessment is something that has to be done but is often relegated to a lower priority. Measurement and evaluation of employee performance is never easy. Oftentimes, expectations are not clearly expressed by the employer to the employee.
The employee may be operating on a number of unvalidated assumptions. Does the employee have a clear understanding of what is expected? Has the employer clearly spelled out the behaviours that are expected? Not having clearly spelled out expectations leads to misunderstandings and lower levels of job performance.
The best way to assess performance is to begin by defining employee expectations through a competency mapping process of each job. Once you develop the competency map, everything else flows from there. The next step is to define the level of job performance and to select a simple rating scale to evaluate the job performance. The performance assessment measures how well the employee performs the skills required for the job. It takes into account the observable tasks, behaviours and attitudes that together constitute “the right way to do the job”. Once performance is assessed, the employee and supervisor/manager can work together to create a plan for the individual to develop skills they may be lacking.
We can help you set up a practical yet powerful assessment process that will drive your business success through improved employee performance. We can even provide your employees with training to enable them to develop competency maps and conduct competency-based performance assessments.