What is DACUM and What Do We Offer?
DACUM is an acronym that expands to ‘develop a curriculum’. Developing curriculums is simply one thing that DACUM analysis and facilitation can do. This, though, does not capture the overall nuanced utility and benefit of DACUM applications. DACUM has been used as a method to improve workplace organization (competency mapping); defining competencies (competency profiling for job descriptions and training); conduct skills gap analyses (identify weaknesses in teams to improve workplace cohesion and enhance productive processes); compliance and legal (training to assure compliance and avoidance of lawsuits and fines); and improve workplace and worker morale (a properly trained worker is a confident one).
Above all, DACUM is a proven process rooted in industrial psychological theory and practice as a method of qualitative analysis that solves many problems efficiently and on point. At its foundation, DACUM facilitation and analysis identifies the skills or competencies needed for top job performance in a particular role. In short – DACUM offers an enhanced analysis at foundational structures that support your organization, its employees and their functions, and reduces costly blindspots in your training and development programs.
For the time being, virtual meetings are the ‘new normal’. For over thirty years, The Competency Group Inc has offered DACUM facilitation sessions to a wide range of diverse clients. Answering to the post-COVID-19 realities, where physical distancing is crucial in order to contain and end the pandemic, we are offering a new and innovate approach to DACUM: We have taken DACUM facilitation and analysis online.
Competence is everything. Without providing your team the best tools and education for how to perform in their roles, without garnering a proper and nuanced understanding of what you want your team to be doing, they cannot be expected to perform. And if your team is not performing, your organization will not perform at its top level and this is a problem. DACUM facilitation and analysis offers a cost-effective foundational basis for understanding your organization, the functions of the people in your organization, and ultimately – what people must do to optimally function to improve your organization. Assuring competence through DACUM analysis solves the problem of unknowing – without knowing what your team needs to do to improve, such improvements cannot happen. And by inserting a nuanced and evidenced structural understanding of your workforce and atomized employee functions, your organization can be vastly enhanced. Assuring such competence through DACUM analysis and facilitation is instrumental in organizational optimization and success.
Want to solve the problem of assuring competence in your team?
Oftentimes, clients come to us wondering what their problem actually is. Nothing is more anxiety provoking than knowing something is misfiring without any insight as to why and how. More often than not once we start disentangling the client’s narrative to isolate the issue(s) perplexing them, we find that, above all, their organization needs an ordering from an independent perspective.
DACUM analysis can solve the problem or organizational messiness in two overarching ways, firstly it can help clarify the roles and functions within an organization, and secondly, it can efficiently disentangle the atomistic functional roles that plan into the wider organizational ecosystem. Organizational complexity can quickly devolve into organizational dysfunction. Organizational dysfunction quickly leads to inefficiency and, above all – unnecessary expense.
Want to disentangle and properly order your team or workforce?
By the time an organization finds itself defending lawsuits or government penalties or fines for failure to comply to directives (e.g. workplace safety, environmental laws, etc) it is simply too late – unnecessary and often pernicious costs come to the fore. In short, failing to comply is expensive and, in some cases, tragic and ruinous to an organization’s reputation and morale.
Thankfully, though, through competency-based training, an organization can vastly reduce their compliance blindspots. Competent employees who have been given proper training are workers who are aware of safety and compliance policies. By using DACUM analysis and facilitation to identify competencies in your workforce in context of compliance to mandated safety policies and legislation, your organization will put its best foot forward at avoiding expensive penalties, fines, and litigation. But best of all, by employing such a strategy, you can best assure your worker’s safety.
Worried that you may not have every measure in place to assure workforce safety or compliance to government regulations or laws?
Businesses cannot survive if they make fundamental mistakes on how to constantly strive to improve their bottom line. Now more than ever there is intense competition in market spaces to compete and if an organization is not making money, it needs to save money. DACUM facilitation and analysis can quickly identify redundancies and inefficiencies in any organization, which, in turn lead to organizational structural redesign to enhance workforce efficiency. More than this, DACUM can simultaneously reorder an organization, flatten it, and rebuild it while identifying overall workforce inefficiencies.
Looking to find efficiencies in your workforce? Interested in maximizing efficiency and your organization’s overall future survival?
Organizations must develop agility and adapt to changing economic and market space contexts and pressures. In order to do this efficiently, they must constantly be looking to update their processes, improve them, and innovate to dictate the market. DACUM analysis can identify gaps in KSAs that invariably result in problems achieving the needed agility to press forward. DACUM analysis offers deep insights into what is missing in KSAs in employees; why it is missing; how to solve the problem of its absence; and ultimately, to offer an efficient solution at finding and implementing the competency-based training needed to solve for its absence.
Interested in designing internal custom organizational training programs and organizational agility capacities? Contact us now.
We are currently booking virtual DACUM analysis and facilitations. Contact us now to setup a free initial consultation at sales@thecompetencygroup.com.